A picture of me wearing red sunglasses and a hat, smiling at the camera.

Hi, I'm Michael

I am a graduate of Western Washington University's Computer Science program with a Communication Studies minor. I'm an inquisitive, tenacious, and detail oriented individual who enjoys any opportunity to further his knowledge and abilities. Through my education, I've been fortunate to have worked on all types of projects — ranging from mobile applications, video games, web development, to systems development. I am currently open to work, and any opportunities which allow me to grow as a professional and my skills as a software developer.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring Washington, playing classical guitar, photography, and tinkering with my home lab. Photography allows me to shut off that part of my brain that wants to be analytical and allows me to enjoy the natural beauty of my surroundings. I've been playing guitar for most of my life, and I enjoy the elegance of classical music.

My home lab has allowed me to develop my own server infrastructure using a combination of pfSense and Proxmox, and helped me leverage my admittedly limited networking knowledge.

Languages I've Used

So far in my educational and professional career, I've had the opportunity to use Java, C#, C, Flutter (Dart), Javascript (several flavors of React/Node), and Python.

At my previous position with Heritage Bank NW, I worked full-stack on their Java back-end server as well as their React.js front-end application. The majority of my education involved algorithms, data structures, and less on UX/UI to the point where I've developed a preference for more back-end technologies. With that said, I'm fully capable of working on either end of the application. I enjoy learning new things, however it's easier for me to learn if there's a tangible result that comes from it. For example I'm currently working on a project using Next.js that seeks to help first-time renters in the Bellingham area. I was at one point a first-time renter, and I want to use my skills as a software engineer to help others.

The easiest language I've worked with thus far is Flutter. The structure of the code is hierarchical, and it's very easy to throw together a functioning application in a short amount of time. For example, I developed ReLeave in a matter of months with a team of students who had never interacted with the language before. Flutter has a lot of potential with a ton of community support, and it's incredibly easy for new software developers to see their application ideas become reality.

My Projects

While I have worked on a number of projects during my schooling, these are the ones that I am the most proud of.

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